4DR Wiki

Welcome to 4DR...

We're a diverse bunch of people. That's what makes us special.

4DR and MKW

For those of you who don't know, MKW stands for 'Mario Kart Wii', and is a mario themed racing game (we're sure wikipedia has a ton of interesting information if you're still confused or wondering). Although MKW is intended to be a completely legit racing game, there are hackers (more so than there ever has been before). 4DR stands for '4 Dark Racers' (which is convienent since four of us started the clan) and is (to our knowledge) one of the very few, or only one, hacker clans out there that has been surviving for multiple months (we've been open for 8+ months now). 4DR plays MKW for fun, even in the very, very, very few wars we do. While we also play legit, we enjoy hacking as well. We don't use our hacks to win, or to drain others of their ratings. We hack to give out free ratings and make the races/battles a little bit more chaotic than they normally would be without hacks. 4DR does pwn imposters, glitch abusers, trolls, and any hackers who are considered 'annoying' or use their hacks to win. If you see us on MKW, feel free to tell us. We don't bite (well at least most of us don't). 


Please note that 4DR does enjoy using wikis for storing content, however, most people would consider this more of a website due to the fact that you'll find some pages locked on here so that only 4DR leaders can edit them. These pages are just the list of 4DR members, imposters, etc... Anything else you should be able to edit. Any name that is in pink is a 4DR leader and adminstrator on the wiki; contact these people for help.

Helpful Links

The links we think you'll find most helpful are below (you can also use the navigation at the top):

4DR related pages:

Members of 4DR

Imposters of 4DR
